Demo Day 42

Demo Day 42 is here! This is my entry for demo day. I incorporated some feedback from friends/family, as well as the /agdg/ community. Thank you to everyone who left feedback!


  • Added shotgun sprite to player
  • Added kickback to shotgun
  • Turrets can no longer shoot you from off-screen
  • Turrets shooter slower, and fewer bullets to make them less bullshit
  • Moved some stuff around in the levels
  • Added a how-to page in the main menu
  • Added some death messages (Things say things when they die)
  • Added Eastermen (little pink guys that jump at you in the spike pits)


Demo Day 42 Entry 39 MB
Jan 06, 2022

Get The Long Hypothesized and, Quite Frankly, Spectacularly Overrated End of Life On Earth

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